Sunday, October 04, 2009

Snuggle Day

Today it's cold and rainy. I don't like it when it's like this because it's so dreary. I also can't go out on my leash. (I could but mom won't let me.) I did get to go out yesterday, even though it was chilly, but mom made me wear my scarf. =rolls eyes= The one thing I do really like about days like this is mom doesn't go out either. That means it's a perfect day to curl up on the human bed and snuggle. Mom wishes she could snuggle in front of a fireplace with boyfriend, but I reminded her I'm the much better choice! Today is a perfect day for snuggling and I wish for everyone - furry, human, or otherwise - to find a snuggle partner and take some time for snuggling!! Love, Beau


Unknown said...

What more can be said. You are doin' you's best to be lazy on this Sunday, dat's fur sure!

Happy Cat Family said...

Awww Beau, but think about it... Isn't that human bed sooo very comfy? We love it love it love it!!! P.S. We kitties know we are way better snugglers than humans, but give meowmy a break.... after all.... she is only a human :)

World of Animals, Inc. said...

Thanks for the share. We think it's a good day for snuggling with your momma. The rain makes you feel all lazy and a fireplace sounds great to keep warm. Hope you have a great day.
World of Animals