Monday, January 01, 2001


Recommendations and News

Books I think are worth reading. (Additions Welcome) :

Catnip for the Soul
Cat Owner's Home Veterinary Hanbook (also in dog version)
Pet Prayers by Susan I. Bubbers
277 Secrets Your Cat Wants You To Know (also in dog version)

Do Not Go Peaceable to That Damn Vet*
by Dylan Thomas's Cat

Do not go peaceable to that damn vet,
A cat can always tell a trip is due,
Hide, hide, when your appointment time is set.

Wise cats who watched, and learned the alphabet,
And never let men know how much they knew,
Do not go peaceable to that damn vet.

Young cats who want to keep their claws to whet
On sofa legs, and save their privates, too,
Hide, hide when your appointment time is set.

Sick cats, poor things, whose stomachs are upset,
But hate to eat some vile-smelling goo,
Do not go peaceable to that damn vet.

Old cats who have no wish to sleep just yet,
And plan to live another year or two,
Hide, hide when your appointment time is set.

And though your human sweetly calls his pet,
Or rants and raves until his face is blue,
Do not go peaceable to that damn vet,
Hide, hide when your appointment time is set.

*From the book: Poetry for Cats: The Definitive Anthology of Distinguished Feline Verse by Henry Beard

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