Monday, January 01, 2001


Pet Protection and First Aid

Plant and Medicine Dangers
If your dog eats yeast dough before it’s been baked, the dough will continue to rise in the dog’s stomach, which can cause the dog to bloat. If your dog bloats, the stomach may start to twist – which presents a severe emergency.
Keep all human medicine away from your pets unless your veterinarian instructs otherwise. A single Tylenol has the potential to kill your cat.
Be aware of plants you have in your house and in your yard. The ingestion of azalea, oleander, mistletoe, poinsettia, sago palm, Easter lily, or yew plant material, by an animal, could be fatal. Other natural dangers; apple seeds, apricot pits, cut leaf philodendron, eucalyptus, geranium, Japanese Show Lily, oriental lily, tiger lily, tomato plant (green fruit, stem and leaves).

For cuts, abrasions and minor wounds, Dr. Nelson (Kansas State Univ.) suggests keeping the following items in the kit:
*One- and two-inch adhesive tape*Two-inch roll gauze to make a muzzle in an emergency*Gauze sponges*Isopropyl alcohol*Chlorhexadine or povidone iodine (antiseptic)*Contact lens saline solution*Two-inch and four-inch stretch gauze*Scissors*Tweezers*Nonstick dressing (Telfa)*Nonstick bandage (vet wrap)*Antibiotic ointment*Absorbent maxi pads
*Newspaper to roll up and make a splint or to line something to keep it clean*Rectal thermometer*Three large garbage bags for sanitation on the way to the veterinarian's office*Book on pet first aid *Signed treatment authorization form so pet sitter can take animal to veterinarian for treatmentOther good items to have available (that may not fit in the kit):*Two-liter bottles or milk cartons to fill with warm water for heating*Clean bath towels or roll of paper towels*Blankets*Elizabethan collar or instructions of how to make one to keep pet from chewing at wounds*Plywood board to move the pet safely

41,000 animals are killed in U.S. shelters every day.
Most are taken to the shelter by their owners.
Killing our pets is not the solution to overpopulation.
The single largest cause of death for cats and dogs in America is euthanasia (humane death).
15 million animals per year are killed in pounds and shelters. (41,000 per day; 1,700 per hour; 28 per minute.)
Thousands of pets never make it to shelters. They die slowly, unknown and unseen, from starvation, disease and other torturous ends.
Only 12 to 18 percent of pets are adopted from shelters or animal control facilities.
Over 70,000 puppies and kittens are born each day. (3,000 each hour; 50 each minute.) p> In four years, one cat and her offspring can produce 20,736 kittens.
In seven years, one dog and her offspring can produce 4,372 puppies.
25 to 35% of animals surrendered to shelters are purebreds.
Spaying of female pets reduces the risk of mammary cancer and uterine infections.
Neutered male pets fight less and don't roam as much. The risk of prostate cancer is reduced.
Spaying and neutering does not cause pets to become fat and lazy.

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